If you do not fight for all women, you do not fight for any women.

Share the stories of these women to shed light on the injustice they endured.

Neha Lal

Neha Lal is one of the millions of girls who is denied her right to education. Neha dreamt of working in the city and completing her education, but was forced to leave school in order to help take care of the home. Her story is not an uncommon one in many third world countries. Girls in these countries are forced out of schools in order to take care of the home and tend to others perpetuating the stereotype of women as the caretaker. Males in these countries are encouraged to go to school and to go out into the workforce. Many girls have this dream, like Neha, but are told it cannot be a reality.

Chanel Miller

Channel Miller is a survivor of a rape case. She was raped after a frat party behind a dumpster while she was unconcsious. Her abuser, Brock Turner was later stopped by witnesses who reported him to the cops. The judge of the court case took pity on Turner since he was a male athlete and Turner was only sentenced to 6 months of jail time, only 3 months of which he had served. This lenient sentence is more than most rapists recieve since only less than 1 percent of rapists are convicted. Miller survived what millions of women go through globally. Sexual abuse has been normalized against women, while men are excused. The crime of commiting a rape is one of the most lenient sentences in society, which allows rapists to get away with the act. Rape culture has led to women being blamed and sexualized. Men are allowed to have many accusations and still be succesful while their victims face trauma forever. Channel Miller in the situation was more than a victim, she was a survivor. She is one of the many women we must fight for and demand justice for, as her rapist is allowed to live his life like nothing happened.