Women's Rights are human rights. Although the feminist movement has gained recognition, there is still much work to be done before women will be equal to men. Specifically, women in third world countries are in need of help to make a change.
Girls globally are withheld the right to go to school and receive an education. For instance, in South Sudan 75 percent of girls DO NOT make it to primary school. This trend appears in many countries in the Middle east and Africa. Education should be granted to all citizens regardless of if they are male or female. Girls are discriminated against from a young age in these countries, solely because they are female. It is unfair to allow males to get the right of education while setting girls up with no educational access.
Although the United States has made substantial progress in the area of women’s rights, many countries globally are yet to make progress. In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to have custody of children when they reach a certain age. They are also not allowed to try clothes on when shopping. They must also ask a male if it is okay to go out into public. When eating in public, they must have food under their robe and cannot sit in areas unless they are segregated for women or families. These are just a few of many rights withheld from women. Even though it is 2020, many women around the world are treated inferior to their male counterparts. It is an injustice to women everywhere to see simple rights stripped from women.
Sexual abuse against women is normalized.In the United States,every 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted. In many cases of rape, less than 1 percent of cases end in jail time. Sexualization of girls is normalized in many cultures, and girls are blamed for the actions of others. Starting in schools, girls are taught to cover their body in order to to distract boys. Rather than to teach boys this, girls are shamed and this pattern continues through life.